Three letters from a set written from 1946-1948 between a Chinese-American husband and wife (in Chinese with English translations).
The letters detail, among other things, their difficulties obtaining exit papers from China.
English translation:
My Dearest Mingzhu,
It has been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I think a lot about you. Even though I hear from you often, when I read your letter it makes me miss you more. my love for you is deep as I feel your love for me. Now we are far apart and I dream that we will be together soon.
Right now everything is expensive. Hong Kong money is high almost like US dollar. Even if you have money you can’t buy pork or beef. If you want to buy rice you have to pay black market for $80 US for a bucket.
Now it is beginning to look like fall. It is getting colder each day. My wish is that you take care of yourself. I’m doing fine, so don’t worry. Keep writing to me. All for now till next time.
Wish you well,
Your Loving Wife,
Jong Hai on October 18, 1948
Yin Min, My Loving Husband,
I received your letter and a check for $100 US. Don’t worry. I know that you have bought a new home. That really makes me very happy. Too bad your sister and WIllie had to go back to their home. Now you have to take care of the business, cook for yourself and eat by yourself. It makes me unhappy thinking that you are alone. As I was read your letter I know and feel the love you have for me. I want you to know the love I have for you is so deep. Soon we will be reunited again as man and wife. We will be happy as can be, so don’t worry, OK? When we get together we don't have to talk about our lonesomeness.
I am living in my Mom’s home because I am six month pregnant. It is not easy to travel. We do a lot with my sister and our son. It won’t be long until we hear from immigration. So don’t worry. If I can make the boat on the 11th it would be great. If not, don’t know when I will see you. That makes me unhappy. I wish God can help us get together so that we will be happy like before. In love as man and wife, that is my wish.
About the lawyer’s letter in English. When you were in Hong Kong they had received it back home. When I got back home I had a friend read the letter. He said not much going on. That’s why I let it be. Then the lawyer called and wanted me to go to immigration, so I did. But the immigration said I had to wait for them to contact me before they can work on it. So I can’t get my visa. Just have to wait for them to let me know. I did take my English letter to them. Don’t know when they are going to get with it.
About Willie’s Mom wanting Dorothy to marry Willie. My mom said she is too young. Hope she forgives us. Lately so much is going on. It’s hard to fall asleep. I’m glad you always send me letters, they comfort me. I’m doing fine, our love will never end. I will write to you soon. WIsh you well and my love.
Your Loving Wife,
Jong Hai on October 22, 1948
Yin Min, My Loving Husband,
I received your letters dated the 14th, 15th, 19th and 23rd. I understand that you are well. This makes me so happy.
About my documents, they are still not complete and are worrying me. I am a few months pregnant and sad that we can’t be together. I hope that I can get to the US before the baby is born. That would make me happy. If I can’t make it on time that would be really sad. Some things can’t be helped and that makes me unhappy. So everyday I am hoping that the immigration office will inform us to go and see the American immigration office. I don’t understand the delay. They are not in a hurry to do their job. I will let you know, so don’t worry.
I wait to hear from you before I go back to the village. I miss you a lot. Even though I am with my mom and our son, it is not the same as being with you. I am always thinking about you. I will take good care of myself. I always want to hear from you. I don’t go to town very often. I just stay in and wait to hear from you to comfort me.
I wish you well.
Your Loving Wife,
Jong Hai on October 31, 1948