Thank you for supporting DPLA
Your generous contribution to DPLA will help make it a valuable national resource for years to come. DPLA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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Please make your check payable to Digital Public Library of America.
Digital Public Library of America
(at Government Center)
1 Washington Mall #1019
Boston, MA 02108
How will DPLA use your donation?
Your donation will help support a thriving national digital library that is free and open to the public. This includes:
- Maintaining DPLA as a single access point to search and discover more than 45 million cultural heritage artifacts, including images, documents, sounds, and videos, from more than 5,000 institutions across the country.
- Growing the Palace Bookshelf collection of more than 15,000 open-access ebooks, which are always free to libraries and readers and are available to download 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Making possible DPLA's collaborative work with libraries and archives nationwide to share knowledge and ideas and improve our work, ultimately making it easier to tell the story of our nation through cultural heritage artifacts.