Deserved! Richly deserved by employees, foremen and superintendents of the Ford Motor Company Aircraft Engine Division, is the Army-Navy "E" that now…
Ford Motor Company. Aircraft Engine DivisionView Full Item in Hoover InstitutionOrville Wright examining an airplane engine
View Full Item in Wright State UniversityOrville Wright examining an airplane engine at a Ford engine assembly plant.
Captain W. S. Forbes and Orville Wright examining airplane engine
View Full Item in Wright State UniversityCaptain W. S. Forbes and Orville Wright examining a airplane engine inside a Ford engine assembly plant.
Orville Wright and his nephew at Ford engine assembly plant
View Full Item in Wright State UniversityOrville Wright and Wilbur Herbert Wright (nephew of Orville) standing in front of an airplane engine in a Ford engine assembly plant.
Orville Wright and his nephew watching factory worker
View Full Item in Wright State UniversityOrville Wright and Wilbur Herbert Wright (Orville's nephew) watching a factory worker at work inside a Ford engine assembly plant
Ford 5-AT Tri-Motor
Ford Aircraft CoView Full Item in National Air and Space MuseumAir transport; Three engine; Monoplane. Ford 5-AT Tri-Motor Affectionately known as the “Tin Goose,” the Ford Tri-Motor was the largest civil aircraft in America when it first flew on August 2, 1926.…
The Ford Motor Company, Part 2 / The Ford Motor Company, Part 1
Ford Motor CompanyView Full Item in National Archives at College Park - Motion PicturesThe original catalog description provided by the Ford Motor Company reads as follows: Workers on assembly line - men placing parts on engines - large press in operation, workers - panorama of plant, m…
Missile, Cruise, V-1 (Fi 103, FZG 76)
Gerhard Fieseler Werke GmbHView Full Item in National Air and Space MuseumThe V-1 (Vergeltungswaffe Eins, or Vengeance Weapon One), was the world's first operational cruise missile. This name was given to it by the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, but the original Air Ministry des…
Missile, Cruise, V-1 (Fi 103, FZG 76)
Gerhard Fieseler Werke GmbHView Full Item in National Air and Space MuseumThe V-1 (Vergeltungswaffe Eins, or Vengeance Weapon One), was the world's first operational cruise missile. This name was given to it by the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, but the original Air Ministry des…
Oral history interview of Walter L. Bishop
Kyle, Glen, Bishop, Walter L., 1923-2014View Full Item in Atlanta History CenterIn this interview, Walter Bishop discusses his experiences in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Before the war, he worked in a cotton mill and other jobs in Columbus, Georgia. He was turned away by m…
Universitas - Issue 28.1 (Fall 2001)
St. Louis UniversityView Full Item in Saint Louis UniversityFall 2001 issue of Universitas: the magazine of Saint Louis University T H E M AG A Z I N E O F S A I N T L O U I S U N I V E R S I T Y F A L L 2 0 0 1 By Lawrence Biondi, SJ Saint Louis University Pr…
Universitas - Issue 37.1 (Fall 2010)
St. Louis UniversityView Full Item in Saint Louis UniversityFall 2010 issue of Universitas: the magazine of Saint Louis University Stained Glass Stories A PROFES SOR R EVEALS THE HISTORIES HIDDEN IN COLLEGE CHURCH’ S WINDOWS PAGE 12 The SLU Pri son Initiative…
Universitas - Issue 32.3 (Summer 2006)
St. Louis UniversityView Full Item in Saint Louis UniversitySummer 2006 issue of Universitas: the magazine of Saint Louis University S i n g i n g g roup wo r k s i n h a r mo n y pg. 9 B i o l o gy fac ult y m a k e t he ir m a r k pg. 12 A l um n i c h a n g…