An 1856 cartoon depicting German Americans as drunkards and suggesting that a bar is the German idea of school.
A cartoon from 1856 entitled “A Model School Among the Germans” lampoons the drinking habits of German immigrants in New York’s lower east side. The image both portrays German Americans as drunkards and suggests that a bar is the German idea of school. The text below the cartoon reads: “A Model School for the Germans. Erster Sprecher. ‘The School which we have now formed here in Orchard Street, in accordance with our Charter, Gentleman (drinks!), will show the enervated Americans what a miserable farce their System of Education is. Looking around this assembly of blooming, enlightened Young Men, I feel that German Education is now, as ever, the cradle of pure action, ennobling sentiment, strong intellect, and manly courage, which accompanies the German wherever he goes, and commands the respect of every civilized nation on the face of the earth.’ (Drinks—immense applause!).”