A petition to the selectmen of Boston for the resignation of the tea consignees, November 17, 1773.
The consignees were the officials appointed to oversee the sale of tea and the collection of the taxes on behalf of the British East India Company. Richard Clarke, a Boston merchant, was one of the consignees working on behalf of the tea company.
The Selectmen of the Town of Boston
Boston, Nov. 17th 1773
Gentl[[object Object]]n.
Whereas at the late meeting of the Town their Committee applied to the Messr. Richard Clark & c. supposed consignees of Teas to be exported by the East India Comp[[object Object]] to this Port, who then declined giving satisfaction to the Town who requested their resignation of s[[object Object]]d [[object Object]] ; a? assigning for reason that they were not sufficiently informed upon what terms the Teas would come out on -- The Town being now justly highly allarm[[object Object]]d [[object Object]], with the hourly reputation of the arrival of said Teas, & apprehending that said Consignees are now thoroughly apprised of the conditions upon which the India Comp[[object Object]] are exporting this detestable commodity in to America we the subscribers request that the Town may as soon as possible, be called together to consult whether further application shall be made to s[[object Object]]d Consignees, or otherwise to act or the Town shall think proper on the present dangerous & allarming [[object Object]] exigence.
Will Powell
Tho[[object Object]]s Hand? Peck
James Ivers
Joseph Warren
M[[object Object]]? or W [[object Object]] Doum?
John Browne?
Moses Gill
Eleazer Johnson
Thomas Lee
Jos[[object Object]] Henderson
William Foster
Tho[[object Object]] Walley
John Langdon
Peter Boyers
John Sweetner Jr.
Nat Barber
Nath[[object Object]] Appleton
Joseph P. Palmer
Steph[[object Object]] Bruce
James Swan
John Winthrop Jr.
John Marston
Joshua Pice
Nathan Spear
Bossenger Foster