A letter from Ida B. Wells to Albion Tourgée, Nov. 27, 1894.
Albion Tourgée was a collaborator and supporter of Ida B. Wells. In this letter she thanks him for his support after an incident involving Frances Willard, a white woman who was the leader of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), a powerful national reform organization against the consumption of alcohol.
Pittsburg, Nov. 27, 94.
Judge A. W. Tourgee; Mayville, N.Y.
Dear Sir -
I have today read your strong words in defense of me and the cause. As always, I feel grateful to you for the only unequivocal expressions in behalf of justice which you alone seemed moved to make. I feel especially grateful at the word this time in reply to Miss Willard’s specious arguments and statements. Miss W. has never forgiven me for telling what she said in condonation of lynching and christian tho she be, she could not resist the opportunity to strike at me thro [[object Object]] her association. She succeeded in doing what she intended. For the enter organization believes I “misrepresented the W.C.T.U.” while in England and no opportunity was given for me to explain. Your words are most opportune in setting the matter clearly before the public. The southern women delegates had a caucus at Cleveland and succeeded in preventing the passage of any resolution by the national body against lynching.
Again, thanking you for these and all other words in behalf of justice, I am
Yours truly,
Ida B. Wells
395 Gold St.