A photograph of the Cuban refugee Sanz family at home in Van Nuys, California, October 2, 1962.
This edited photograph captures Mr. and Mrs. Sanz reading a newspaper and Mrs. Sanz's daughters from another marriage, Lucia and Leonor Daley, looking on. It was originally published in the Valley Times with an article titled “Family Bares Castro Ordeal” that partially reads: "Members of the Sanz family no longer live in Cuba. They left their country more than a year ago—their home in Havana, their coffee plantations in Oriente Province, their personal and business possessions, their friends and relations. Most members of the family now live in a Van Nuys apartment… 'They took everything from us. It is all gone with the wind,' Enrique Sanz, a 40-year-old civil engineer, said… 'Castro split the Cuban society by forcing the rich to fight the poor, the worker to fight the manufacturer, the resident to fight the owner. That is the way they will continue to work. And they will take over everything unless the United States stops them—and soon.'"