News Archive

161 posts found under Events. Showing page 3 of 9.

DPLAfest 2017 Program Now Available

The DPLAfest 2017 program of sessions, workshops, lightning talks, and more is now available! Look for opportunities to engage with topics such as social justice and digital collections; public engagement; library technology and interoperability; metadata best practices; ebooks; and using digital collections in education and curation projects.

February 21, 2017

Travel Funding Available to attend DPLAfest 2017

We celebrate the diversity of our DPLA community of partners and users and want to ensure that these perspectives are represented at DPLAfest, which is why we are thrilled to announce three fully funded travel awards to attend DPLAfest 2017.

February 15, 2017

Catch up with DPLA at ALA Midwinter in Atlanta

The American Library Association’s 2017 Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits begins next week in Atlanta, Georgia and DPLA staffers are excited to connect with a fantastic community of librarians and share updates on the exciting projects underway and upcoming at DPLA in 2017. Here’s your guide to when and where to catch up with DPLA’s staff and community members at ALA Midwinter.

January 18, 2017

Registration Now Open for DPLAfest 2017

We’re pleased to announce that registration for DPLAfest 2017 — taking place on April 20-21 in Chicago, Illinois — has officially opened. We invite all those interested from public and research libraries, cultural organizations, the educational community, state and local government, the creative community, publishers, the technology sector, and the general public to join us for conversation and community building as we celebrate our fourth annual DPLAfest.

January 10, 2017

One Week Left! Apply to Present at DPLAfest 2017

DPLA is seeking session proposals for DPLAfest 2017, an annual conference that brings together librarians, archivists, and museum professionals, developers and technologists, publishers and authors, educators, and many others to celebrate DPLA and its community of creative professionals.

January 10, 2017

Call for DPLAfest 2017 Session Proposals Now Open

DPLA is seeking session proposals for DPLAfest 2017, an annual conference that brings together librarians, archivists, and museum professionals, developers and technologists, publishers and authors, educators, and many others to celebrate DPLA and its community of creative professionals.

December 6, 2016

Meet the Winners of GIF IT UP 2016

Meet the winners of GIF IT UP 2016! For this year’s competition, the grand prize and runners up were determined by judges Adam Green of The Public Domain Review and Sarah Schaaf of Imgur. The People’s Choice Award was determined by most notes on Tumblr as of November 14, 2016. Europeana and Trove have also awarded prizes for best reuse of materials from their collections.

November 16, 2016

Pop Up Archive Serves DPLA Network in First Year of Partnership

Last year, DPLA partnered with Pop Up Archive, a platform of tools for organizing and searching digital spoken word, to offer exclusive discounted services to DPLA partner organizations. One year after announcing our partnership, we are excited to join Pop Up Archive in highlighting some of the ways that their team has worked with DPLA partners to automatically transcribe, timestamp, and provide team editing interfaces for audio collections.

November 10, 2016

On Your Mark, Get Set… GIF!

GIF IT UP 2016 officially kicks off October 1! We are thrilled to be kicking off our third annual GIF IT UP contest and are already eager to see your great submissions. To get the ball rolling, here’s your one-stop guide to everything you need to get started.

September 30, 2016

GIF IT UP Returns on October 1

Calling all gif makers, creatives, history nuts, animators, and more! GIF IT UP, the annual DPLA competition seeking innovative and endlessly looping uses of archival videos and images, returns on October 1.

September 13, 2016

Save the date: DPLAfest 2017 to take place in Chicago on April 20-21

Mark your calendars! We’re thrilled to announce that DPLAfest 2017—the fourth major gathering of the Digital Public Library of America’s broad community—will take place on April 20-21, 2017 in Chicago at Chicago Public Library’s Harold Washington Library Center.

September 8, 2016

Catch up with DPLA at ALA Annual in Orlando

The American Library Association’s Annual Conference kicks off later this week in Orlando, Florida and DPLA staffers are excited to hit the road, connect with a fantastic community of librarians and, now more than ever, show our support for the city of Orlando. Here’s your guide to when and where to catch up with DPLA’s staff and community members at ALA Annual.

June 21, 2016

Reflections on Community Currents at #DPLAfest

This guest post was written by T-Kay Sangwand, Librarian for Digital Collection Development, Digital Library Program, UCLA and DPLA + DLF ‘Cross-Pollinator.’ (Twitter: @tttkay)

June 15, 2016

DPLA Board Call: Wednesday, June 15, 3:00 PM Eastern

The next DPLA Board of Directors call is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15 at 3:00 PM Eastern. Agenda and dial-in information is included below. This call is open to the public, except where noted.

June 8, 2016

Perspectives from DPLAfest 2016 Part II: Growing our Network and Building Community

With DPLAfest 2016 larger than ever, we reached out to a few attendees ahead of the event to help us capture the (many) diverse experiences of fest participants. These ‘special correspondents’ have graciously volunteered to share their personal perspectives on the fest. In this second guest post by our special correspondents, Kristen Yarmey and Patrick Murray-John, both of whom are part of the DPLA Community Reps program reflect on their fest experiences from the perspectives of their fields and interests: the growth of DPLA and its network and sharing and creative reuse of cultural heritage materials.

May 6, 2016