News Archive

659 posts found by [object Object]. Showing page 24 of 33.

Penguin exits the e-lending scene

In an announcement made February 9, Penguin Group has terminated its contract with OverDrive, the largest distributer of digital content to American libraries and Penguin’s partner.

February 10, 2012

Press: “Libraries Happen”

“I was a guest at a recent DPLA ‘Audience and Participation Work Stream’ meeting that brought together participants with a variety of perspectives and experience, but joined by a deep concern for the future of libraries…”

February 6, 2012

Press: “Digital Public Library of America”

“On January 17th I attended a lecture given by Professor Robert Darnton, hosted by SCONUL and JISC at the Royal Society, on ‘The Digital Public Library of America: Current Plans and Future Prospects’.”

January 19, 2012

Press: “DPLA, Syracuse, Library Blogs Take Part in SOPA/PIPA Protest”

“”Thousands of websites, from major sites like the social news website Reddit, the Internet Archive’s main site, and the English-language version of Wikipedia, to small personal WordPress blogs, have ‘gone dark’ today as part of a coordinated protest against the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), currently in committee in the House, and the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), scheduled for a Senate vote on January 24…”

January 18, 2012

Press: “Top 10 Library Stories of 2011”

“10. Digital Destiny: The ambitious Digital Public Library of America began a two-year endeavor in October to find a way to make the US cultural and scientific record available online, while the Europeana Foundation launched a plan to aggregate and distribute the continent’s cultural heritage.”

January 13, 2012

Press: “Ebooks in Public Libraries: Whither, Which, How”

“The Digital Public Library of America discussion list has kicked into high gear again, in anticipation of an in-person meeting at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference in mid-January, 2012 in Dallas, Texas.”

January 13, 2012

Press: “Library License: A suggested framework”

“A slightly different variation would be a license that was provided to a specific institution, for example, the Digital Public Library of America. This kind of institutional license could be combined with a time-based or performance-based license, so that titles could be granted to the DPLA after five years (for example).”

January 12, 2012

Press: “Review of 2011 and Trends Watch 2012”

“Meanwhile, important library-oriented efforts hoping to provide new solutions continue to push forward, such as the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Internet Archive’s OpenLibrary, and the grass-roots initiative, Library Renewal.”

January 5, 2012

Press: “2011: The Year the eBook Wars Broke Out”

“”The emergence of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a rallying point for libraries’ continuing presence in the cultural life of America was a surprise, as it went against the prevailing tea-party currents for smaller government and increased reliance on the private sector.”

January 1, 2012

DPLA Listserv Recaps: December 2011

We know it’s hard to keep track of the many exciting discussions taking place on the workstream listservs, so every month we’ll compile a handy recap.

December 19, 2011