DPLA Announces Partnership with the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida, Bringing Nearly 400,000 New Items into its National Collection

By DPLA, May 13, 2014.
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BOSTON — The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida (UF) have partnered with DPLA by contributing more than 390,000 items, including antique maps, rare books, manuscripts, photographs, oral histories, newspapers, and research publications. All will become accessible to DPLA’s global audience of students, teachers, scholars, developers, and the public.

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“We are excited to welcome the University of Florida as our newest content hub and the first DPLA hub from the state of Florida,” said DPLA Director for Content Emily Gore.

The Smathers Libraries serve as the technical hub for the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) and other partners in the region and are contributing records from the University of Florida, dLOC, and other partner collections.

“Partnering with the Digital Public Library of America is a wonderful opportunity to expand access to our digital collections and share the wealth of the University of Florida’s holdings,” said Judith C. Russell, dean of University Libraries.

The Smathers Libraries collections will bring a new, diverse set of perspectives to DPLA’s holdings. For example, more than 150,000 issues of Florida and Caribbean newspapers, historical to current, provide insight into the news and history of Florida, the Caribbean, and circum-Caribbean.

“A primary focus of our second year is expanding across the entire country, and the tremendous University of Florida collection fills a gap we have had in the southeast,” said DPLA Executive Director Dan Cohen. “But more important, the richness and diversity of Florida’s collection is simply wonderful, and we’re excited to help share their materials with the world.”

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About DPLA
The Digital Public Library of America (http://dp.la) strives to contain the full breadth of human expression, from the written word, to works of art and culture, to records of America’s heritage, to the efforts and data of science. Since launching in April 2013, it has aggregated over 7 million items from over 1,300 institutions. The DPLA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.

About the Libraries of the University of Florida
The Libraries of the University of Florida (www.uflib.ufl.edu) form the largest information resource system in the state of Florida. Collections cover virtually all disciplines and include a wide array of formats – from books and journals to manuscripts, maps, and recorded music. Increasingly collections are digital and are accessible on the Internet via the library web page or the library catalog. The George A. Smathers Libraries provide primary support to all academic programs except those served by the Lawton Chiles Legal Information Center.

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