Thank you + summer events

By DPLA, June 29, 2020.
All of us at DPLA send a big thank you to everyone who attended our Community + Open Board Meeting on Friday, and a special thanks to Tracie Hall, John Palfrey, and Felton Thomas for an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation about equity, access, and the future of reading. In case you missed it, a recording is now available

We’d also like to invite you to two upcoming events:

Collaborating for Literacy: Exploring Licensing Models that Work for Libraries, Creators, and Readers

Thursday, July 9, 1:30-2:30 pm ET

We will gather with publishers and library leaders for a conversation about collaborative licensing models for ebooks and how they benefit readers.


Cindy Altick Aden, Washington State Librarian

Mallori Bontrager, Digital Services Manager, Independent Publishers Group

Michele Kimpton, Director of Business Development & Senior Strategist, DPLA

Andrew Medlar, Director, Book Ops, The New York Public Library & Brooklyn Public Library

Lisa Peet, News Editor, Library Journal

Adam Silverman, Senior Director, Business Development, HarperCollins

Kelvin Watson, Director, Broward County Libraries

Please register here.

Race, Gender, Politics, and History: Reconstructing Visibility of Black Women’s Activism

Thursday, July 16th, 1-2:30 pm ET

In commemoration of journalist, suffragist, and anti-lynching and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s birthday, we will host a community gathering introducing our forthcoming Black Women’s Suffrage collection. The event will feature a keynote by historian Allison Robinson about teaching with digital exhibits, her experience working with the university’s Ida B. Wells collection, and how digital artifacts can help reconstruct visibility. Some of our partners will also introduce the collections that they are digitizing as part of the Black Women’s Suffrage collection and provide some perspective about how these artifacts can help us better understand Black women suffragists and the historical and continuing activism of Black women. 


Keynote: Allison Robinson, Doctoral Candidate in American History and American Material Culture, and Instructor at the University of Chicago 

 Dana Chandler, University Archivist and Associate Professor, Tuskegee University Archives

 Christopher Harter, Deputy Director and/or Lisa C. Moore, Reference Archivist, Amistad Research Center

Aaisha Haykal, Manager of Archival Services, Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture at the College of Charleston

Sarah Tanner,  Head, Archives Research Center, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

Please register here.