Registration now open for DPLAfest 2016

By DPLA, December 17, 2015.
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We’re pleased to announce that registration for DPLAfest 2016 — taking place on April 14-15 in Washington, DC — has officially opened. We invite all those interested from the general public, public and research libraries, cultural organizations, the educational community, state and local government, the creative community, publishers, the technology sector, and private industry to join us for conversation and community building as we celebrate our third year of bringing together our nation’s collections. Area institutions serving as co-hosts include the National Archives and Records Administration, the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian Institution.


Taking place in the heart of DC, DPLAfest 2016 will bring together hundreds from DPLA’s large and growing community for interactive workshops, engaging discussions with community leaders and practitioners, hackathons and other collaborative activities, fun events, and more. DPLAfest 2016 will appeal to anyone interested in libraries, technology, ebooks, education, creative reuse of cultural materials, law, open access, genealogy/family research, and more.


We are currently seeking session proposals for DPLAfest 2016. We will be posting a full set of activities and programming for DPLAfest 2016 in March. Click here for additional information about the schedule. To review topics and themes from previous fests, check out the agendas from DPLAfest 2015 or 2013. The deadline to submit a session proposal is Friday, January 22, 2016. Click here to review submission terms and submit a session proposal.


For logistical information about DPLAfest, including event locations and recommended hotels in the DC area, visit the logistics page.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to seeing you in DC!

Register for DPLAfest 2016