Recent board meeting and new Network office hours

By Dominic Byrd-McDevitt, April 19, 2024.
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DPLA held its most recent quarterly Open Board + Community Meeting this Monday, April 22. If you missed the meeting, we invite you to watch the recording to more about the ongoing process to identify a sustainable home for DPLA’s cultural heritage program. We also provided updates on our core work, including our cultural heritage and our ebooks programs.

In the last two weeks since DPLA put out our call for expressions of interest in hosting the cultural heritage aggregation work, we have been so pleased to see the response, and we want to remind you that we are accepting form submissions through April 30. We shared more information and answered live questions on Monday. Whether you work at one of our contributing institutions or hubs, are interested in applying, or just want to stay informed, you are welcome to view the recorded meeting and send me any follow-up questions you have.

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that starting on Tuesday, May 14, DPLA will host an open DPLA Network office hours with me, the Director of Community Engagement, on the second Tuesday of every month from 2–3p ET. Join me for a low-key conversation, whether you have big strategy questions, a technical aggregation issue, or just want to put a face to a name. No need to pre-register! Simply click here to join, or use these links to add it to your calendar for Google or Outlook.

And as always, if you have any questions about the transition process, check out our FAQ. For any questions not yet addressed in our FAQ or Monday’s board meeting, feel free to send them my way. If you would like to put time on my calendar to discuss in more depth, you can schedule a meeting here.