Press: “2011: The Year the eBook Wars Broke Out”

By DPLA, January 1, 2012.

“Open war is upon us, whether we would have it or not. These incidents in 2011 seemed like twitter-inflamed kerfuffles as we lived through them, but with the perspective of time, we can see they were preludes to a fight to the death.


“8. libraries muster the resistance

“The emergence of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a rallying point for libraries’ continuing presence in the cultural life of America was a surprise, as it went against the prevailing tea-party currents for smaller government and increased reliance on the private sector. It’s not clear how the symbolic presence of a library in Zuccotti Park could point the way to a digital future, but many things that have not yet come to pass are shrouded in darkness.”

From Eric Hellman’s post on Go To Hellman, 2011: The Year the eBook Wars Broke Out