Nearly 100,00 items from the Getty Research Institute now available in DPLA

By DPLA, September 18, 2014.
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More awesome news from DPLA! Hot on the heels of announcements earlier this week about newly added materials from the Medical Heritage Library and the Government Printing Office, we’re excited to share today that nearly 100,000 items from the Getty Research Institute are now available via DPLA.

To view the Getty in DPLA, click here.

From an announcement posted today on the Getty Research Institute Blog:

As a DPLA content hub, the Getty Research Institute has contributed metadata—information that enables search and retrieval of material—for nearly 100,000 digital images, documentary photograph collections, archives, and books dating from the 1400s to today. We’ve included some of the most frequently requested and significant material from our holdings of more than two million items, including some 5,600 images from the Julius Shulman photography archive, 2,100 images from the Jacobson collection of Orientalist photography, and dozens of art dealers’ stockbooks from the Duveen and Knoedler archives.

The Getty will make additional digital content available through DPLA as their collections continue to be cataloged and digitized.

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