Michele Kimpton to Lead Business Development Strategy at DPLA

By DPLA, February 22, 2017.
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The Digital Public Library of America is pleased to announce that Michele Kimpton will be joining its staff as Director of Business Development and Senior Strategist beginning March 1, 2017.

In this critical role, Michele will be responsible for developing and implementing business strategies to increase the impact and reach of DPLA. This will include building key strategic partnerships, creating new services and exploring new opportunities, expanding private and public funding, and developing community support models, both financial and in-kind. Together these important activities will support DPLA’s present and future.

“We are truly fortunate to have someone of Michele’s deep experience, tremendous ability, and stellar reputation join DPLA at this time,” said Dan Cohen, DPLA’s Executive Director. “Along with the rest of the DPLA staff, I look forward to working with Michele to strengthen and expand our community and mission.”

Prior to joining DPLA, Michele Kimpton worked as Chief Strategist for LYRASIS and CEO of DuraSpace, where she developed several new cloud-based managed services for the digital library community, and developed new sustainability and governance models for multiple open source projects. Kimpton is a founding member of both the National Digital Strategic Alliance (NDSA) and the IIPC (International Internet Preservation Consortium). In 2013, Kimpton was named Digital Preservation Pioneer by the NDIPP program at Library of Congress. She holds a MBA from Santa Clara University, and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University. She can now be reached at michele dot kimpton at dp dot la.

Welcome, Michele!