DPLA to Launch Membership Network Program

By DPLA, August 1, 2017.
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On September 1, 2017, DPLA will launch the Hub Network Membership program. This program will create a closer, more formal collaboration between DPLA and the members of the Hub Network to achieve our common goals and is an essential step in providing a structure and framework to give Hubs a voice in the direction of DPLA.         

The DPLA Hub Network is a unique nationwide collective working toward the shared goal to bring the riches of our nation’s cultural heritage organizations to a broad, engaged public. Together, we inspire collaboration and help build capacity among institutions of all types, sizes, and resource levels. Through membership, we can work more effectively together, ensuring that the network remains vibrant, engaged, productive, and focused on the highest priority needs of its members. Sustainability of the network benefits us all.

DPLA brings together a rich, unique collection of over 16 million items from dozens of Hubs and thousands of contributing institutions. Since its inception, millions of individuals, from young students to retired lifelong learners, have taken advantage of the free and open resources that DPLA provides in collaboration with the Hubs Network. DPLA is focused on maximizing access to and user engagement with the Nation’s shared history, culture, and knowledge. Collaboration advances the impact of our network, leading our users to deeper engagement with and understanding of our shared culture.  

We look forward to our continued work with the members of our Hubs Network program in providing free and open access to our Nation’s digital materials.