Free Ebooks + SimplyE Webinar
By DPLA, April 13, 2020.
DPLA’s core mission is to make knowledge freely accessible to all, and that mission has never been more important than during the current crisis. As we announced last week in our 90-day plan, we are redoubling our efforts in service of that mission, and that includes working to get more books into the hands of more libraries and more library patrons. Here’s the latest:
- Free Ebooks: We’ve launched a brand new web catalog that allows anyone to browse and directly download any of the more than 6,300 ebook titles available on DPLA’s Open Bookshelf. Read classic novels, children’s books, textbooks and non-English titles, all for free, with no login or library card needed. These books are also available to read for free via the SimplyE app. Just download the SimplyE app on iOS or Android (from the App or Play store) and choose “Digital Public Library of America” as your library. Many thanks to developer Amy Slagle, a key contributor to Library Simplified from the beginning, for her work to make our new web catalog a reality.
- SimplyE Webinar: On Wednesday, April 29th, at 1:30 pm ET, in collaboration with Brian Bannon, Merryl and James Tisch Director of the New York Public Library; Lyrasis; and the Community Advisory Council, we will be offering libraries a free one-hour webinar providing an overview of the SimplyE platform and exploring why libraries across the country are introducing SimplyE to their patrons. Please register here.
We’d also love to have you join us for our open board meeting call tomorrow, April 14th, at 1:30 pm ET.
In the meantime, we hope you all are staying safe and healthy.
DPLA’s ebook work is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.