DPLA Seeks to Provide Libraries with Digital Services as Part of the FCC’s E-rate Modernization Program

By DPLA, September 26, 2013.
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Hi all,

Earlier this summer, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) launched a review and modernization of its E-rate program, the largest education technology program provided by the government. E-rate, started in 1997, has equipped most of our nation’s schools and libraries with Internet access, an incredible accomplishment, and it is poised now to expand this program to meet the public need for high-speed access and associated services.

The Digital Public Library of America has submitted a comment to the FCC outlining how DPLA’s infrastructure can enable public libraries to modernize their digital services and overall mission. Our submission is now available on the FCC’s website at http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment/view?id=6017467205, or on our website at http://dpla.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/E-rate_Comment_DPLA.pdf

DPLA Local, as we call the proposal, will allow public libraries to maintain their independence and to host and shape their own collections, while taking advantage of our advanced, open platform. In this way the DPLA can complement schools and public libraries in their efforts to provide access to digital resources, tools, and services needed by our 21st-century students and citizens. The DPLA seeks to extend the effectiveness and impact of E-rate, not replace it.

The public comment period on proposals such as ours for E-rate modernization has just started and is now running until October 16. With your help we can make DPLA a truly national resource, one that provides necessary tools and services to our schools and libraries. I encourage you to solicit or submit letters of support (from individuals or organizations) for our submission. The portal for making public comments and reading submissions is available at:


All individuals and organizations submitting comments should reference Proceeding No. 13-184 (E-rate modernization) and our specific proposal (in a “Reply Comment” referencing the “Comments of the Digital Public Library of America”). There are a number of excellent suggestions from other library groups as well, and I would encourage to you submit comments in support of their important work. The overall comment page is available here.

We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your support of the DPLA.


Dan Cohen

Executive Director

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