DPLA at ALA Annual 2015 in San Francisco, June 25-30

By Kenny Whitebloom, June 22, 2015.
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The American Library Association’s (ALA) annual conference is right around the corner, so we here at the DPLA have pulled together a nifty little schedule of talks, panels, and presentations that feature members of our staff, Board, Committees, and Hubs. Sessions involving DPLA staff are marked [S], while sessions involving Board, Committee, or Hub members are marked with [A], for ‘affiliate’.



[S] Knight Foundation Grantee Demo Booth, Day #1
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Exhibit Hall, Booth 3731

Connect with DPLA staffers at the Knight Foundation Grantee Demo Booth on Monday, June 29 from 10 AM – 11 AM.

Participants: Dan Cohen (DPLA Executive Director), Emily Gore (DPLA Director for Content), Amy Rudersdorf (DPLA Assistant Director for Content)


[S] Knight Foundation Grantee Demo Booth, Day #2
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Exhibit Hall, Booth 3731

Connect with DPLA staffers at the Knight Foundation Grantee Demo Booth on Sunday, June 28 from 12 PM – 1 PM.

Participants: Dan Cohen (DPLA Executive Director), Emily Gore (DPLA Director for Content), Amy Rudersdorf (DPLA Assistant Director for Content)

[S]  What’s Next for the Digital Public Library of America
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 131 (N)
After a busy first two years of bringing together the collections of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, the Digital Public Library of America is looking ahead to the next few years and some important strategic initiatives. DPLA will seek to complete its national network of hubs, work to simplify and harmonize right statements, make an effort to improve the landscape for ebooks, and create new technical infrastructure. DPLA staff will briefly detail some of these efforts, and will respond to questions from the audience. There will be ample time to mingle and interact with the staff and others from the DPLA community who are attending the ALA Annual meeting.

Speakers: Dan Cohen (DPLA Executive Director), Emily Gore (DPLA Director for Content), Amy Rudersdorf (DPLA Assistant Director for Content)




[A] CLA Preconference: Relationship-building and Community Engagement
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 2010 (W)
Survival of the public library is about relevance, and the key to relevance is engagement. That’s our future. Engagement, with customers, community, stakeholders, partners, and staff, is about people being in relationships. Public libraries need to approach relationships with the confidence that we have something of value to offer, and clarity about what we hope to gain from others that will move our strategic initiatives forward. In this session we’ll explore the various meanings of community engagement, talk about staff engagement, and discuss what it takes to build relationships in both our outward and inward worlds. We’ll hear about strategies for building productive relationships with staff, communities, partners, and stakeholders. We’ll talk about how to rightsize our relationships – recognizing there should be a correlation between the level of effort we put into nurturing relationships and the value we both offer and receive. We’ll discuss how to seek out strategic relationships that align to organizational priorities, and practice having conversations to build relationships in which you might have something to teach, want to learn, or hope to collaborate. Please show up ready to be engaged, interactive, and appreciative of all that is offered, you contribute, and acquire in this daylong session. Our guest speakers are Susan Hildreth, Gary Wasdin, Luis Herrera, and Jan Sanders. Cheryl Gould and Sam McBane Mulford will facilitate the workshop. If you are a member of CLA use special code AFL2015 to receive the price of $219.

Speakers: Cheryl Gould, Gary Wasdin, Jan Sanders, Luis Herrera (City Librarian, San Francisco Public Library, and member of the DPLA Board of Directors), Sam McBane Mulford, Susan Hildreth


[A]  Looking to the Future: Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 228-230 (S)
Go beyond trend spotting and learn how professional futurists leverage strategic foresight tools and approaches to look and see the big picture of where we are headed. Join our presenters, two consultants trained in Foresight by the University of Houston, as they lead hands-on activities where you will learn tools and techniques you can leverage for creating future scenarios at your own organization.

Speakers: Jamie Hollier (Member of the DPLA Board of Directors), Jen Chang

[A]  Building the New Nostalgia: Making the Case for Why Libraries Matter
2:00 PM – 3:o0 PM / Marriott Marquis San Francisco, Yerba Buena Salon 13-15
The new book “BiblioTech” argues that libraries are crucial institutions for serving Americans’ 21st century information needs, but that they are also at risk. Librarians and their allies explore how we can best position libraries to thrive in the digital age by leveraging existing—and new—assets amid dwindling government support.

Moderators: Carol Coletta (VP of Community and National Initiatives, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation), John Bracken (VP of Media Innovation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation)

Speakers: Dale Dougherty (Founder and Executive Chairman, Maker Media), John Palfrey (Head of School, Phillips Academy, and former Chair of DPLA Board of Directors), Meaghan O’Connor (Assistant Director, Programs and Partnerships, District of Columbia Public Library)


[A]  Herding the fuzzy bits: What do you do after crowdsourcing?
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 133 (N)
Once you’ve invited the crowd to help, how do you use what they provide? Presenters will share ideas for incorporating crowdsource-enhanced data from many sources (flickr, transcription, twitter) back into collections, along with approaches–including “whoopsies” and remaining challenges–for quality control, data discovery, data disagreement, building communities, and scalability. The session will be interactive on Twitter locally and remotely, and will include fun activities to demonstrate some of the issues and methods at play. Additional information will be made available in an open online space for viewing and editing during the session at: http://s.si.edu/16ZfZ9b

Speakers: Grace Costantino (Outreach and Communication Manager, Biodiversity Heritage Library, Smithsonian Institution Libraries), Jacqueline Chapman (Digital Collections Librarian, Biodiversity Heritage Library, Smithsonian Institution Libraries), Martin Kalfatovic (Associate Director, Digital Services and Program Director, Biodiversity Heritage Library, Smithsonian Institution Libraries), Suzanne Pilsk, Head, Metadata Unit, Smithsonian Institution Libraries

[S]  Data Clean-up: Let’s Not Sweep it Under the Rug
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 2022 (W)
Data migration is inevitable in a world in which technological infrastructures and data standards continue to evolve. Whether you work in a catalog database or a digital library/archives/institutional repository, working with library resource data means that you will eventually be required to usher data from one system or standard to another. Three speakers working in different library contexts will share their data normalization experiences.

Speakers: Amy Rudersdorf (DPLA Assistant Director for Content), Kyle Banerjee (Digital Collections and Metadata Librarian, Oregon Health and Science University), Terry Reese (Associate Professor, Head, Digital Initiatives, Ohio State University)


[A]  Getting Started with Library Linked Open Data: Lessons from UNLV and NCSU
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 2002 (W)

This program will focus on the practical steps involved in creating and publishing linked data including data modeling, data clean up, enhancing the data with links to other data sets, converting the data to various forms of RDF, and publishing the data set. At each step of the process, the speakers will share their experiences and the tools they used to give the audience multiple perspectives on how to approach linked data creation.

Speakers: Cory Lampert (Head, Digital Collections, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and former DPLA Community Rep), Eric Hanson (Electronic Resources Librarian, North Carolina State University Libraries), Silvia Southwick, (Digital Collections Metadata Librarian, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

[A]  How to Work with Government Officials on Community Wide Issues
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 2016 (W)
A panel discussion of library leaders and local officials. Discussions will center around the library as an important community partner/leader and how we can lead change in our local community.

Speakers: Hydra Mendoza (Mayor’s Education Policy Advisor and SF Unified School District Board member), Karen Danczak Lyons (Director, Evanston Public Library), Luis Herrera (City Librarian, San Francisco Public Library, and member of the DPLA Board of Directors), Siobhan Reardon (Director, Free Library of Philadelphia), Wally Bobkiewicz (Evanston (Ill.) City Manager)

[A]  Transforming Neighborhoods, One Library at a Time: The San Francisco Experience
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 121 (N)
The San Francisco Public Library’s Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP) was the largest capital project in the library’s history and completed transformed the neighborhood branch system. During its 14 year span, the $200 million program under took the renovation of sixteen neighborhood libraries and eight new buildings. The completion of the ambitious program resulted in seismically safe, ADA accessible, 21st Century libraries. Each project required strong community engagement in the midst of one of the more politically charged cities in the nation.

Speakers: Charles Higueras, Jewell Gomez, Luis Herrera (City Librarian, San Francisco Public Library, and member of the DPLA Board of Directors), Mindy Linetzky


[S][A] Digital Archiving for Humans
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM / Moscone Convention Center, Room 120 (N)
Socializing the archive! Hear about the overlaps and differences between traditional archives and digital startups engaging the social web to make material more interoperable, searchable and usable.

Speakers: Alexis Rossi (Director of Web Services, Internet Archive), Anne Wootton (Co-founder & CEO, Pop Up Archive), Dan Cohen (DPLA Executive Director), P. Toby Graham, (University Librarian and Associate Provost, University of Georgia Libraries)