DPLA Announces New Curation Corps Members for Open Bookshelf
DPLA is pleased to welcome the newest members to the DPLA Curation Corps, a group of librarians and information professionals who will curate and offer guidance on Open Bookshelf. Open Bookshelf is a collection of open access content available through the DPLA Exchange (exchange.dp.la).
Curation Corps members were recruited from the library communities of the six libraries participating in the DPLA Exchange pilot. Members have a broad range of experience in collection development and e-resource management, and with serving diverse communities of all ages.
As part of the Curation Corps, members will help select open access ebook titles that public libraries will find valuable. These ebooks will be available both in the DPLA Exchange alongside licensed content, and as a separate OPDS feed. Curation Corps members will tag these books to make them more discoverable, so that a patron can find the best books in a given genre together, no matter licensing status or publisher. Beyond selecting titles, the Curation Corps will help DPLA further develop its ebook offerings by creating a collection development policy, researching sources for open access content, and providing feedback on how to best support public libraries in making open content available.
This newly-convened group joins members of the Open eBooks Curation Corps, a group of school and public librarians selecting award-winning and bestselling ebooks for K-12 readers for Open eBooks.
To learn more about the DPLA Exchange, visit our FAQs. Questions? Contact us at ebooks@dp.la.
Open Bookshelf Curation Corps Members:
- Elizabeth Davis, Library Associate-Youth Services, St. Mary’s County Library (MD)
- Todd Deck, Library Director, Tehama County Library (CA)
- Eric Hansen, eGO and eResource Coordinator, Connecticut State Library
- Hilary Lewis Lackner, Coordinator, eResources, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (PA)
- Cecilia Thomas, Assistant Branch Manager, Information Services, St. Mary’s County Library – Lexington Park Branch (MD)
- Remy Timbrook, Children’s Librarian, Oakland Public Library (CA)
The DPLA Curation Corps is generously funded by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.