Celebrating the DPLA’s Launch
Amid a difficult week in Boston, the DPLA launched on April 18th without the anticipated fanfare of a large public event at the Boston Public Library. In lieu of celebrating the DPLA’s launch at the BPL, several DPLA members marked the occasion by attending smaller get-togethers in New York and DC. Martin Kalfatovic of Smithsonian Libraries organized a DPLA launch meet-up at the National Museum of Natural History Library to show support for the launch. Participants were encouraged to participate in the DPLA photo booth and take time to discuss the DPLA with other attendees.
In New York, Doron Weber, Vice President, Programs at the Sloan Foundation, and New York Public Library President Anthony Marx commemorated the DPLA’s launch with a quote from Thomas Jefferson: “I look to the diffusion of light and education as the resource most to be relied on for ameliorating the condition promoting the virtue and advancing the happiness of man.”
To view tweets from the April 18 launch day, check out Rebekah Heacock’s Storify story, DPLA Launch.
Featured Image courtesy of Vincent Desjardins on Flickr; used under a CC BY 2.0 license.
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