Announcing our fourth class of Community Reps

By DPLA, March 17, 2016.
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We are extremely excited to introduce and welcome our fourth class of DPLA Community Reps–-volunteers who engage their local communities by leading DPLA outreach activities. We received a great response to our fourth call for applicants, and we’re pleased to now add another fantastic group of Community Reps to our outstanding and dedicated corps of volunteers from the first three classes.

Our fourth class continues our success at bringing together volunteers from all over the US representing diverse fields and backgrounds. Our newest reps work in K-12 schools, public libraries, state libraries, municipal archives, public history and museums, technology, genealogy, education technology, and many areas of higher education. This round we are excited to have a very strong cohort of educators as well as representation from diverse disciplines including psychology, social work, art history, and studio art.

Our newest reps have already shared some of their great ideas for connecting new communities with DPLA and we’re eager to support this new class’ creative outreach and engagement work.  We thank them for helping us grow the DPLA community! For more detailed information about our Reps and their plans, including the members of the fourth class, please visit our Meet the Reps page.

The next call for our fifth class of Reps will take place early next year (January 2017).  To learn more about this program and follow our future calls for applicants, check out our Community Reps page.