Press: “A Point-Counterpoint on the Digital Public Library of America”
“The Digital Public Library of America initiative, led by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, has been gaining steam and has elicited a lively debate on the DPLA’s discussion listserv about how any such institution should be constituted. David H. Rothman, cofounder of and founder of TeleRead, has been advocating for well-stocked national digital libraries for many years and is an active participant on the listserv. He has questioned the project’s ‘big tent’ approach, arguing that public libraries and academic libraries have diverging interests. John Palfrey, the vice dean for library and information resources at Harvard Law School and the co-director of the Berkman Center, says that now is the time for the library community to act in a unified way and not build fences. The duo explain their viewpoints in the following opinion pieces.”
Featured on Library Journal, find the rest of the debate between John Palfrey and David Rothman here.