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Many tourists hold popularized views of the lonesome west and the life of the cowboy. Courtesy of the University of Utah - J. Willard Marriott Library via Mountain West Digital Library.

Many tourists have preconceived notions about the Mountain West region. Folklore is passed down that paints a romantic picture of the Old West, full of gunslingers, wooden boardwalks, and savage natives. And historically, societal views of the wilderness itself were often in opposition: the rough and brutal wilds, gardens that flourish with proper intervention and cultivation, or lands to be conquered and civilized in the name of Christianity and progress.

Some of these attitudes can be seen today, in the dismay over logging and mining’s effects on the environment or in the desire for technological development, like cellphone access, in more remote areas of the countryside. Changing mindsets have focused attention in the Mountain West on striking a balance between increased tourism and the protection of natural resources and wilderness areas.