Perhaps some of the most significant and long-lasting projects undertaken by New Deal agencies are those that facilitated transportation by creating and improving America’s infrastructural systems. Among the work done by the PWA and WPA, several projects aimed at increasing the ease of transportation within the US stand out for the extent to which their legacies outlasted the New Deal itself.
The PWA worked on over 11,000 road projects during its 10 years of operation. These projects include New York’s Triborough Bridge and Lincoln Tunnel. The Agency’s reach was not limited to road; the PWA is also responsible for electrifying the Pennsylvania Railroad along parts of the East Coast. The WPA also produced a number of projects that not only employed workers in dire need of employment, but also continue to this day to facilitate transportation in the US. From parkways to airports, these projects spurred economic development both during and after their construction, and have come to define American infrastructure in the time since the New Deal.